4 Products

TRAVELER - Luggage tag

€ 0,23
price for 3000 pcs

DAFFY - Lightweight non-woven backpack

€ 0,40
price for 3000 pcs

BONNE NUIT - Travel mask

€ 0,47
price for 3000 pcs

BUDS TO GO - Earplugs

€ 0,35
price for 3000 pcs

  Backpacks , Duffels and Trollleys are among the commonly used items that allow an excellent constant and widespread diffusion of logos and graphics for any Brand.

We all now have a dedicated gym bag or backpack to use without obligation, which we always carry around based on the activity, be it sport or work.

This type of product is one of the evergreens of all time, it allows very high visibility, large spaces and different customization possibilities, a long-lasting use, it is always welcome, never taken for granted and is sought after as it consists of articles of common use. , which would still be purchased, sometimes necessary as in the case of a backpack.

In the MrBrando catalog you can find many different types including bags, bags, backpacks and trolleys, for any occasion, to be personalized with your logo, a promotional item that is a must!

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