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Corporate team building events, sporting or recreational, have become increasingly important in recent years.

Organized to improve the climate, motivation and performance of their staff or as a reward, these events leave a positive memory of the day and of the company itself.

What is the importance of gadgets, giveaways and promotional gifts during events?

The events, whether they are corporate, recreational or sporting, must leave positives in the participants, it becomes essential to choose gift items and gadgets to give to the participants, which remember both the experience lived during the event and the brand, the company or the promoter.

To understand the importance of the Gadget, let's start with some statistical data released by the PPAI (Promotional Product Association International):
94% of people remember when and where they received a promotional item. Of these, 84% show that they appreciate it and 85% of these are willing to do business with the company that provided it.

58% of the people who received the promotional gadget say they keep it for 1 to 4 years.

89% of these remember and are able to recall the company that gave it up to 24 months after receiving it. In addition, if they appreciate the promotional gadget, this alone is able to bring 500% more references to the company.

With all its catalog MrBrando provides you with a wide choice of cheap but quality gadgets and giveaways, in this section you will find those designed and recommended as gifts during events.

You still don't know which gadget to choose, you haven't yet identified the right item or do you want a completely ad hoc direct production?

Ask MrBrando! You can contact us at any time for a targeted search of the articles on the site or for a production with direct import from abroad.

We will be able to show you the right solution for your needs.

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